I Wish I Knew This

Full Version: Is this 20 watt solar kit worth $35?
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I ordered a cheap solar kit from walmart at one point because I wanted a solar panel I could keep in my truck or bang around without thinking much about it.  This kit also had a very cheap solar charge controller with it and some decent power adapters.  The solar charger was labeled for specs that I personally feel were way off.  I have never seen a cheap controller like that with specs anywhere near that.  Also the item was sold as a "200 Watt solar kit" but I knew it was the 20 watt solar panel by looking at it.  So that was the first issue.  Below is a picture of what comes with the kit and also a video of testing the kit and seeing how it performs and if it was worth the $35.

[Image: walmartsolarkit1.jpg]